Recommended Products

The products recommended to make sure your hamster gets the best life. From cage types, to running wheels, hamster toys, and water bottles.

Should You Take Your Hamster Wheel Out at Night?

Should You Take Your Hamster Wheel Out at Night?

If you own a hamster, you may already know that these animals love playing by themselves and are pretty active even when they are left alone. This is due in large part to the hamster wheel, which allows the hamster to move and play all on its own whenever it wants to. But it can be pretty annoying whenever the hamster is playing with its hamster wheel at night because of all the noise it makes. So, should you take your hamster wheel out at night?

Should You Take Your Hamster Wheel Out at Night? Read More »

11 Creative Habitat Ideas For Your Hamster

11 Creative Habitat Ideas For Your Hamster

It is believed that the type of habitat your hamster lives in has an effect on its well-being. Researches have tested 30 hamsters to see if adding toys and bedding to their cages would change how they make decisions when faced with an uncertain choice. They found out that hamsters who had more toys and beddings were more likely to make optimistic decisions, while hamsters that had fewer things made less optimistic decisions. Scientists link optimistic judgments with positive well-being in humans, so they used the same method to study hamsters. 

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